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PRAXIS Oslo is a laboratory for the study of dance and movement.  

The goal of our programming is to strengthen the freelance experimental dance and performance community. We organise classes, conversations, seminars, workshops, social events and creating affordable accessible rehearsal space.

Our programming is made possible with support from Kulturrådet and Fond for Utøvende Kunstnere. Our studio has been made possible with support from the dance community, our board and Kulturrom. 

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Upcoming Programming

  • 18. mars 2025, 09:30 – 11:30
    PRAXIS Oslo, Vestre Elvebakke 10, 0182 Oslo, Norway
    PRAXIS Movement is a physical class series that offers different experiential approaches to movement, embodiment and consciousness. Kristina Gjems will host Taiji and Qigong Tues 18-03 to 20-03, from 9:30 to 11:30.
  • 25. mars 2025, 09:30 – 11:30
    PRAXIS Oslo, Vestre Elvebakke 10, 0182 Oslo, Norway
    PRAXIS Oslo organizes "morning sharings" with different artists. Emilie Karlsen will teach Tuesday 25.03 to Thursday 27.03, from 9:30 to 11:30.
  • 08. apr. 2025, 09:30 – 10:30
    PRAXIS Oslo, Vestre Elvebakke 10, 0182 Oslo, Norway
    PRAXIS Movement is a physical class series that offers different experiential approaches to movement, embodiment and consciousness. Gry Kipperberg will host Body Mind Centering Tues April 8 to Thurs Oct 10, from 9.30 to 11.30.
  • 22. apr. 2025, 09:30 – 11:30
    PRAXIS Oslo, Vestre Elvebakke 10, 0182 Oslo, Norway
    PRAXIS Oslo organizes "morning sharings" with different artists. Jonathan Ibsen will teach Tuesday 22.04 to Thursday 24.04, from 9:30 to 11:30.
  • 28. apr. 2025, 09:30 – 29. apr. 2025, 11:30
    Praxis Oslo, Vestre Elvebakke 10, 0182 Oslo, Norway
    PRAXIS Movement is a physical class series that offers different experiential approaches to movement, embodiment and consciousness. Amy Pender will host Klein Technique™ Monday to Wednesday from 9:30 to 11:30.
  • 06. mai 2025, 09:30 – 11:30
    PRAXIS Oslo, Vestre Elvebakke 10, 0182 Oslo, Norway
    PRAXIS Oslo organizes "morning sharings" with different artists. Venla Niitemaa will share her practice from Tuesday, 06.05 to Thursday, 08.05, from 9:30 - 11:00
  • 20. mai 2025, 09:30 – 11:30
    PRAXIS Oslo, Vestre Elvebakke 10, 0182 Oslo, Norway
    PRAXIS Movement is a physical class series that offers different experiential approaches to movement, embodiment and consciousness. Marit Schade Ødegaard will host Feldenkrais Tues 20.05 to Thurs 22.05 from 9.30-11.30.
  • 27. mai 2025, 09:30 – 11:30
    PRAXIS oslo, Vestre Elvebakke 10, 0182 Oslo, Norway
    PRAXIS Oslo organizes "morning sharings" with different artists. Hanna Filomen Mjåvatn will share her practice from Tuesday 27.05 to Thursday 29.05, from 09.30 - 11.30.
  • 10. juni 2025, 09:30 – 11:30
    PRAXIS Oslo, Vestre Elvebakke 10, 0182 Oslo, Norway
    PRAXIS Oslo organizes "morning sharings" with different artists. Liv Edginton will share her practice from Tuesday, 10.06 to Thursday, 12.06, from 09:30 - 11:00
  • 31. des. 2025, 19:00 – 23:00
    Ticket Payments
    Did you join a class but had trouble or forgot to buy your ticket? No worries! This is our "back-up" event for all those lost tickets. Just select the amount of tickets you need to pay. You can always ask us for help if needed!
  • 31. des. 2025, 19:00 – 23:00
    Want to come to class for cheap? Buy a clipcard and enjoy 10 classes for only 500 kr!
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©2024 by Praxis Oslo

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