HelseGym with Julie Steinjord Mjøen
man. 22. aug.
|Tøyen Parken by the stairs
Do you like to work on your stamina and strength in addition to your dance practice? Do you like being outdoors in Spring and Summer (OR 'when the weather allows')? Join your dance colleagues, train together! Helsegym is functional strengthening training together with others from the dance field.
Time & Location
22. aug. 2022, 18:30 – 19:30
Tøyen Parken by the stairs, Helgesens gate 90, 0563 Oslo, Norway
About the event
Do you like to work on your stamina and strength in addition to your dance practice? Do you like being outdoors in Spring and Summer (OR 'when the weather allows')? Join your dance colleagues, train together!
Helsegym is functional strengthening training together with others from the dance field. The sessions focus on activating and loading large muscle groups in the body in a way that can support your dance practice. Helsegym takes place outdoors and will follow the format of circuit training. We use our own body weight, work dynamically, and visit high intensity. The exercises can be modified up and down, to adapt the load specifically to your body.
Do you have a resistance band or two large water bottles? Bring them along, we will use them to adjust the load on certain exercises.
The goal of the session is to increase the working capacity of the muscles, heart, and to have some fun!
Julie Steinjord Mjøen er utdannet ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo hvor hun tok en MA i dans (2015-2017) og en BA i klassisk ballett (2011-2014). Hun har jobbet med bl.a Erik Kaiel Bente Alice Westgård, Yaniv Choen, Mina Weider, Ida Haugen og Panta Rei Danseteater. Høsten 2020 begynte Julie på fysioterapiutdanningen ved OsloMet og fullfører utdanningen dette året. Basert på prinsipper fra oppdatert forskning angående intervall og styrketrening fortsetter Julie å fasilitere et treningstilbud spesifikt rettet mot dansere i det frie feltet.
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NOK 40.00Sale ended
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