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PRAXIS Praksis with Sulekha Ali Omar

ons. 20. sep.



This Autumn PRAXIS oslo organises five different 'morning sharings' with different artists. Sulekha Ali Omar will share her practice Tuesday to Thursday 19.-21.9. from 9:30-11:30.

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PRAXIS Praksis with Sulekha Ali Omar
PRAXIS Praksis with Sulekha Ali Omar

Time & Location

20. sep. 2023, 09:30 – 11:30

Hausmania, Hausmanns gate 34, 0182 Oslo, Norway


About the event

PRAXIS Praksis is a 3 day long 'morning sharing' where we have invited several dance artists who will hold a space in which they share their ways into dancing; this can be through their daily routine, a choreographic practice, or other approaches into moving that have inspired them.

The classes are 1.5 or 2 hours long starting at 09:30.

Each class is 50kr.

The doors will open 9:15.

At the back gate of Hausmania!

We ask you to come in good time, as the space is not easy for late-comers.


Erving Goffmann has a quote that says:

“Stigma is a process by which the reaction of others spoils normal identity”

During my Praxis praksis, I will share aspects of my MA research at Khio which revolved around the idea of “ Social improvisation”.

I find the Improvisation as something personal, it originates from the personal. In dance when I see improvisation, it is embedded unconsciously. The moment of not repeating. Something impulsive. The assumption of wildness and freedom in your movements. Avoiding returning to familiar patterns. At least this is how I seek improvising. Telling an impulsive story right there and then and those around me. A body that is used to improvising with no set movements will often find its way in the improvisations, while a body that is not used to the work of improvising will often tend to move and find familiar patterns in its movements where it will feel safe and free. The results of these two different works of improvising is crucial for me in determining the outcome. Moving away from one's own “safe dancing” or “safe movements” requires time and safe unjudging space. To move or expand in the work of improvisation is something I think is quite personal for a dancer. From the starting point to which route improvisation takes is the interesting point in the journey of improvisation. The “instinct” is there but with improvisation one tends to train the subconscious through the practice of improvisation. How can I just be in the relationship and story being evolved right now? In this lovely and new praxis room? What stories can we share here and now?


Sulekha Ali Omar (f. 1981) er utdannet ved Bårdar Danseinstitutt og Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, hvor hun uteksaminerte med en BA innen dans. Avsluttet master i Koreografi på Kunsthøgskolen 2023.

Siden studiene har hun etablert  seg både som danser og skuespiller etter flere år i det frie dansefeltet med kompanier som Frikar og Dans Design, samt koreografer som Mia Habib, Sølvi Edvardsen og Ingunn Bjørnsgaard. Hun har spilt i produksjonen Før det ringer på Brageteatret som vant Heddaprisen for beste ungdomsforestilling. Sulekha var fra 2011 til 2015 ansatt ved Den Nasjonale scene i Bergen (DNS) der hun medvirket som danser og skuespiller i en rekke produksjoner, blant annet med hovedrollen i Etnoporno og Drømmebyen. Hun har jobbet også for teater Manu, forestillingen JEG. Danset for Henriette Pedersen. Jobbet med Ferske scener, under Håkon Mathias Vassvik.

Sulekha sier selv hun liker å jobbe med ulike scenisk utrykk og mennesker, for å tilegne seg ny kunnskap og utvide sitt eget sceniske utrykk. Kombinasjon av dans, teater, performance står hennes hjerte nær.

Hun har jobbet med ulike regissører opp igjennom årene. Hun har jobbet med Cecilie Mosli, Marit Moen Aune, Nina Wester, Lene Therese Teigen, Anne Karen Hytten, Håkon Mathias Vassvik.

Sulekha ble ansatt som i Skuespiller - og Danser alliansen i 2016.

For tiden driver hun med å etablere sitt eget kompani som hun vil kalle FLOKK, og ønsker å uttrykke det sceniske mer på en personlig plan men også kunne fortelle de historiene som berører henne som kunstner.


  • PRAXIS Praksis (1 day)

    NOK 50.00
    Sale ended
  • PRAXIS Praksis (2 days)

    NOK 100.00
    Sale ended


NOK 0.00

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