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Praxis Praksis with Steffi Lund

tir. 13. des.


Dansens Haus (at Hausmania)

This Fall PRAXIS Oslo organizes twice a month, a 3 days long 'morning sharing'. Steffi Lund will share their practice from Tuesday 13. - Thursday 15. December from 9:30 - 11:00 at Dansens Haus, Hausmania.

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Praxis Praksis with Steffi Lund
Praxis Praksis with Steffi Lund

Time & Location

13. des. 2022, 09:30 – 11:00

Dansens Haus (at Hausmania), Hausmanns gate 34, 0182 Oslo, Norway


About the event


This Fall PRAXIS organizes twice a month, a 3 days long 'morning sharing' at Dansens Haus (Hausmania). We have invited several dance artists who will hold a space in which they share their ways into dancing. This can be a warm up routine, a combination of tasks, references to other classes or clash of techniques that have inspired them.

The classes take 1,5h or 2h and start at 9.30h. Be on time as the location is not ideal for latecomers.

You can come for 3 days (250 NOK), or drop in (100 NOK).


Wear warm clothes and feel free to bring a blanket and/or yoga mat!

It will be: an hour of calm, simple, warming, meditative movement practices, individually and perhaps one in community. And then there will be mantra chanting! During the pandemic's first lockdown, in need of a stable and joyful 'foundation wall' in the new everyday life, I chanted the 'Gayatri mantra' every morning. This is one of the oldest and most well-known & beloved Indian mantras, and I found a version with a melody I really liked, which I felt like sharing in this forum. The mantra is sang 108 times, lasting all together around 23 minutes. On dark December mornings it is heart-pounding and strengthening to sing together!

I include the text, but the best is basically 'learning by listening', and you can possibly test a little in advance with the audio file we will use:

It is not necessary to understand the text to benefit from the practice, the sound vibrations and chanting work in themselves, but there is of course a lot to read about the mantra online.


Easy, gentle, meditative warming up and movement practises, and mantra singing.


Steffi Lund, f.1961, dansekunstner

Utdannet ved Kunsthøyskolen i Amsterdam, avd. School for New Dance Development, 1984-88. Arbeider med base i Oslo / på Nesodden. Etter endt utdanning har hun vært i kontinuerlig produksjon av egne forestillinger. Pr. 2022 har hun skapt rundt 40 egne verk, og vært medansvarlig i omtrent like mange samarbeidsprosjekter. Soloen er hennes fremste medium. Hun arbeider i ‘kammerformat’, og i hele spennet fra det improvisatoriske til det gjennomkomponerte, ofte med eksperimenterende bruk av stemme, og de senere årene ofte med egne scenetekster. Arbeidene vaker mellom dans, teater og performance. Hun har gjort flere eksplisitt skeive prosjekter. Ved noen anledninger har hun jobbet som medskapende utøver. Innehaver av Statens 10-årige stipend for etablerte kunstnere. Mottatt Fond for Utøvende Kunstneres ærespris, Rolf Gammleng-prisen, i 2015.



  • Praxis Praksis (1 day)

    100,00 kr
    Sale ended
  • Praxis Praksis (2 days)

    200,00 kr
    Sale ended
  • Praxis Praksis (3 days)

    250,00 kr
    Sale ended


0,00 kr

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