Body-Mind Centering® Tuesdays
tir. 11. feb.
Tuesdays 18.00-20.00 5 week series January 14 – February 11, 2025 with Certified Body-Mind Centering® Practitioners Otto Ramstad, Gry Kipperberg and Olive Bieringa

Time & Location
11. feb. 2025, 18:00 – 20:00
PRAXIS Oslo, Vestre Elvebakke 10, 0182 Oslo, Norway
About the event
“Our organs are vital and alive. They provide us with our sense of self, full-bodiedness, and organic authenticity. Organs are the contents within the skeletal-flesh container and carry on the functions of our internal survival — breathing, nourishment and elimination. Organs are the primary habitats or natural environments of our emotions, aspirations, and the memories of our inner reactions to our personal and social histories. They support our postural tone and our feelings, and give volume to our movement.” Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, founder of Body-Mind Centering®
In this course we will explore:
Initiating breath, voice, movement and touch from the organs.
Techniques to facilitate access to and balance in the organs.
Somatic practice is an integrated and embodied approach to movement and consciousness which can be practiced by anybody irregardless of age, ability, disability, or gender. Together we will create a generative place for touch, movement exploration, evolution and dancing.